The coyote (Canis Latrans) ©Michael L. Maggio
Great Horned Owl (Bubo Virginianus
©Michael L. Maggio
Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox)
©Michael L. Maggio
Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii)
©John R. McNeill
It is illegal to touch, pick up or harass the desert tortoise –and with good reason: although the tortoise can live 80 to 100 years, if it feels threatened it will urinate as a defensive measure (the urine is said to be strong smelling). The loss of so much liquid can dehudrate the tortoise and lead to illness and death.
Arizona Cardinal © Michael L. Maggio
©John R. McNeill
©John R. McNeill
©Michael L. Maggio
©John R. McNeill
Hikers checking out the wildflowers. ©John R. McNeill
©John R. McNeill
Quail – Gamble's Quail (Callipepla gambelii)
© Michael L. Maggio
One of the most common animals in the McDowell Park is the Gamble's Quail. Few will forget the sight of a mother quail with a string of tiny chicks in tow. The quail typically lays a clutch of 10-12 eggs, which hatch in 3 weeks – peaking in late April or May.