What We Do

Below is a limited list of some of the activities that the
McDowell Park Association has been engaged in
since its beginning in April, 1994.

One of the prime reasons for the existence of the McDowell Park Association is to serve as a watchdog, if you will, to do try and preserve the natural beauty of the Park while at the same time encouraging public use of the park in activities that does protect its natural beauty. It’s important that we encourage use of the park by our citizens but at the same time we must protect its natural beauty and the desert “park experience.”

As the population continues to expand around the Park, it will be under continued pressure to allow projects and activities into the Park that will destroy the natural beauty of the Park.

Here are a few of the proposals that the Association has opposed in the past. We expect many more in the future.

FIRING RANGE – In the 1990s a group wanted to establish a firing range where the current bicycle track is. The Association opposed this as it did not fit into the nature of park camping, picnicking and hiking experience. And there was the noise.

COOK-OUT FACILITY – A gentleman who lost his lease in Scottsdale wanted to set up a “ranch type” building in the park to hold corporate cook-outs near the Lously Hill area. To encourage support he said the Park could use the facility when he wasn’t using it. This was found to be impractical and the Association opposed this particular proposal while recognizing possible benefits of a food service in the Park.

SCULPTURE GARDEN – Display of an eastern artist’s huge metal (I-beam) type sculptures and other work. Park to supply space for this art and artist workshop. Location would have been selected by a wealthy donor. The Scottsdale art community demanded it be approved. The Association opposed the proposal.


The Association has donated a tent to the Park with its name on the front. This has been used when the Park participates in events, such as the Arts & Craft Fair in Fountain Hills and is used for their “booth.”

Information panels depicting photos and information of the Park were also purchased for the Park. These are currently at the Park’s Visitor’s Center but have been used in the public for events such as in a booth described above.



A major contribution to the Park by the Association has been a Kawasaki Mule. The vehicle has proven invaluable for Park staff to use on the trails to perform needed maintenance. An added benefit has been its use for medical emergencies. Prior to receiving the Mule, it was very difficult at times getting to someone who was injured on the trails. Shown above is Park Supervisor, Rand Hubbell with Park Maintenance workers Mark Ostapczuk and Tony Blanco.


From time to time the Association participates in “work day” at the Park. Shown above are a group of Association members with Rand Hubbell, Park Supervisor (at the far right) who cleared vegetation around the Pemberton Ranch headquarters site just off the Pemberton Trail.